When it comes to Halloween, everyone may think of scary ghost images, but when they come to “The City of Childhood” (Kindy City) they will be surprised by a lot of cute images and activities to welcome Halloween, done by the “little citizens”.

Halloween was originally called All Hallows’ Eve, which means the night before All Saints Day. “Hallow” means “holy” in old English, and has been finally changed into Halloween as we know it today. Halloween is a result of many changes having occurred for centuries. But now, the feast of Halloween no longer conveys the religious meaning, but everyone considers it a fun festival, especially for children.


The make-up and spooky decorations during Halloween are believed to ward off evil spirits. But the little citizens made their “City of Childhood”  a Halloween season on their own to become a Wonderland through creating candy spiders, fun ghosts, smiling pumpkins and lazy bats. On the 30th of October , all residents in this city transformed themselves into legendary characters such as beautiful witches, brave superheroes or mischievous princesses. They all had a lot of fun singing and dancing together. On the same day, festive traditions like “Trick or Treat” (being teased or given candies) also took place, which attracted the little residents the most. The kids not only enjoyed a lot of delicious candies, they also learned the value of sharing when receiving candies from their teachers.

Halloween, which was originally a western festival, has overtime become popular to many countries worldwide. Through the activities during the past few weeks with the stories of greedy Jack replayed by teachers in the classroom, the students of  Kindy City International Preschool have gained a better understanding of traditions of Western countries. Furthermore, the values the students gained from this festival is to live a selfless life, and learn to share with everyone around.

Some activities of Halloween festival at Kindy City:


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Making candy spiders helped the kids’ hands and fingers become more flexible

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The students not only learned how to sculpt interesting pumpkins but learned how good the pumpkin is for their health



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The kids prepared cute bags in order to join in “Trick or Treat”

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The kids can improve their creativity with many masks for the festival

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The students can improve motor skills through tearing and pasting activities to make fun ghosts

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“TRICK or TREAT! Give me something good to eat. Not too big, not too small. Just the size of a candy

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A few decorations were made by the students of Kindy City in this festival


Hệ thống trường Mầm non Quốc tế Kindy City hiện có mặt tại quận 3, quận 5, quận 11, quận Bình Thạnh, quận Bình Tân, quận Tân Bình, quận Phú Nhuận, Him Lam (Quận 7), P. Tân Quy (Quận 7), P.Thảo Điền (TP. Thủ Đức) và P.Bình Thọ (TP. Thủ Đức).

Hân hoan chào đón Quý phụ huynh và xin được chúc mừng con em của Quý vị đã trở thành công dân của Trường Mầm Non Quốc tế KINDY CITY – nơi các em sẽ liên tục khám phá, trải nghiệm và phát triển hoàn hảo trên bước đường khai thức đầu đời.

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Địa chỉ: 11 Đường 02 Cư Xá Lữ Gia, P15, Q11, TP. Hồ Chí Minh


Hotline: 0901-853-353

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