Category Archives: For Parents
Category Archives: For Parents
Last Saturday, April, 18TH,2015, parents with their children at the age of kindergarten attended a “CHAT WITH EXPERT” event – at Kindy City International Preschool. Sharing sessions has fulfilled the expectations of parents in the issues of child nutrition with useful tips from the specialist – Dao Thi Yen Thuy
Taking care of preschool children is not only the concerns and efforts of our school but also from the cooperation of parents. The majority of parents usually face with many problem in taking care of their children if they are not experienced or don’t have a sound knowledge on nourishing small children.
Play with letters, words, and sounds! Having fun with language helps your child learn to crack the code of reading. The tips below offer some fun ways you can help your child become a happy and confident reader. Try a new tip each week. See what works best for your child.