Gratitude is not an easy concept, and knowing how to express it properly seems more difficult to do for preschool children whose age is usually dedicated to their self-concentration.

Recognizing the significance of gratitude, children will become courteous, and come to consider their behavior with their peers as well as developing a dignified attitude about what they receive from their beloveds or surrounding people.


The advanced method from the USA “LEARN THROUGH PLAY”- coordinate learning and playing lessons in both inside and outside the classroom and to inspire the interest and eagerness to learn in children.

Whenever they understand the concepts of thankfulness and gratefulness, children will automatically give up the idea of “himself as the navel of the universe,” and then step by step develop good feelings as well as essential life skills that are meaningful for the rest of their lives.

With Vietnamese noble tradition and culture, the educational content of the week “Grateful Season to Teachers” at KINDY CITY International Preschool focuses on children’s practical behavior so as to help figure out how to respect what they have received from their parent-figures: parents in families, teachers at school and friends etc. Not only do the children practice expressing deep affection in words, they also show their appreciation by manually creating some items – by using colors, making gifts for parents and teachers or through their singing and dancing as well.


By collage of concentric circles, the students are making lovely flowers to send to their teachers and parents.

Generally speaking, connecting core values of life to various types of learning-based activities, a significant feature and a worthy effort of KINDY CITY is to help children develop harmoniously in all aspects. Doing so, they will get more mature in knowledge and personality. During the 40-week course, programs for children from infancy to preschool age are designed around a series of fun activities in which the children can better acquire knowledge and simultaneously, they can explore on their own as well as obtain independent thinking. They are encouraged to take responsibility for themselves and to learn how to interact with others properly. Through all this, they will have happy moments during this age.

The Parenting program at KINDY CITY is the integration of the Creative Curriculum of Teaching Strategies and the National Preschool Program. Applying parenting methods thoroughly, advanced standards with modern equipment including a variety of learning tools used in its multi-aspect development center and  profound experience in teaching of Vietnamese and foreign teachers, KINDY CITY commits to create a fun learning space with authentic quality for preschool children.


TEAM TEACHING: Vietnamese and foreign teachers will teach the same topic which was agreed in order to explore, reinforce and open up the knowledge and skills for children. Moreover, the children will have different points of view and be more confident to express their opinions and personal feelings.

To be secure with the safe, friendly and advanced parenting environment, parents should directly visit and talk to the school about the study program as well as the actual caring processes. Moreover, maintaining and developing a positive relationship between the family and school, so that parents can better understand their children and support the school in the process of learning and development, are also a parenting principle of the school.


Campus in District 3:

  • Hotline: 39326164 – 39326165
  • 68 Tran Quoc Thao Street, Ward 7, Dist. 3, HCMC

Campus in Tân Bình District:

  • Hotline : 38121166 – 38121177
  • 437 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 15, Tan Binh Dist. HCMC




Hệ thống trường Mầm non Quốc tế Kindy City hiện có mặt tại quận 3, quận 5, quận 11, quận Bình Thạnh, quận Bình Tân, quận Tân Bình, quận Phú Nhuận, Him Lam (Quận 7), P. Tân Quy (Quận 7), P.Thảo Điền (TP. Thủ Đức) và P.Bình Thọ (TP. Thủ Đức).

Hân hoan chào đón Quý phụ huynh và xin được chúc mừng con em của Quý vị đã trở thành công dân của Trường Mầm Non Quốc tế KINDY CITY – nơi các em sẽ liên tục khám phá, trải nghiệm và phát triển hoàn hảo trên bước đường khai thức đầu đời.

Liên hệ

Địa chỉ: 11 Đường 02 Cư Xá Lữ Gia, P15, Q11, TP. Hồ Chí Minh


Hotline: 0901-853-353

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