To recognise the successful first 20 weeks of the children’s development, Kindy City International Preschool System held Year-end Celebration 2015.


By visiting Kindy City school, parents will be shown the method which is applied for the first time in Vietnam – “Method is accessed on the Creative Curriculum Standards – America”. This is the method used by Kindy City school to measure the child’s development over 10 different development areas with 38 goals in the curriculum.

“The dimentions such as: Social-emotional, Physical, Language, Cognitive, Literacy, Mathematics and English Acquisition will be evaluated from level 1 to 9; Some dimentions such as: Science and Technology, Social Studies and Arts are evaluated in three levels: meeting program requirements, Emerging or Not yet” Mr. Duong Van Loc – Academic Director said.


Mr. Duong Van Loc – Academic Director was sharing how collaboration between the school and parents

Creative Curriculum program, recognized by the process, children’s portfolio and the support which help teachers both regulate and seize opportunities to promote children’s learning according to individual effort.


Parents heard the Creative Curriculum program

During the past 20 weeks, both during the lessons on campus and at the field trips, we can see that the students at Kindy City are spontaneous researchers, they always wish to explore everything around them.

At a workshop on “Science Education is important for preschoolers?”, Dr. Thai Duy Bao – Director of Kindy City International Preschool Systems and parents can discuss how the children acquire science through experimental lessons, learning projects or by parents’ suggestion at home. Science is a vital element of education, as science not only helps children develop their exchange and communication skills but it also develops patience; arouses intellectual curiosity and helps children better understand themselves and the world around them.

At the Year-end Celebrations 2015, in addition to opportunity to meet school representatives, parents can also look back at their children’s grown-up journey through the works and products they have completed throughout the past semester. The parents can explore the environment that their children learn in at Kindy City, including the designs with bright colours, the garden featuring festive decorations as well as the resource centre and crafts rooms.


The exhibition achievement of children


The children were showing with their parents about what products they make by hand out

It is not only the crafts and products which demonstrate the talents of the children, but also in those moments when they are confident to sing and dance when performing on the stage.


Confidence shown bravery to speak to the crowd as MC program



The children and their parents were interested by the repertoire of songs and fashi
on show


The other fun activities take place throughout the festival

That achievement not only marked the efforts of the students, the enthusiastic guidance of the teachers but also the coordination and support of parents with the school.


Hệ thống trường Mầm non Quốc tế Kindy City hiện có mặt tại quận 3, quận 5, quận 11, quận Bình Thạnh, quận Bình Tân, quận Tân Bình, quận Phú Nhuận, Him Lam (Quận 7), P. Tân Quy (Quận 7), P.Thảo Điền (TP. Thủ Đức) và P.Bình Thọ (TP. Thủ Đức).

Hân hoan chào đón Quý phụ huynh và xin được chúc mừng con em của Quý vị đã trở thành công dân của Trường Mầm Non Quốc tế KINDY CITY – nơi các em sẽ liên tục khám phá, trải nghiệm và phát triển hoàn hảo trên bước đường khai thức đầu đời.

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Địa chỉ: 11 Đường 02 Cư Xá Lữ Gia, P15, Q11, TP. Hồ Chí Minh


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